Geri Thead

item39435 Originally from Mississippi, Geri moved to Nashville and began working at The R.O.W. Group in July of 2022 after spending 8 years in Knoxville. Internally, her primary duties are operational. She assists Ken Innis and Hollie Frazier with insurance and investment account processing.

With an impressive tenure of thirteen years in the banking and financial industry, Geri has become a seasoned professional, adept at navigating the intricate workings of this dynamic field. Throughout her career, Geri has achieved a series of triumphs and milestones that underscore her commitment to excellence and her fervent dedication to the financial sector. Her acute understanding of insurance and underwriting intricacies has contributed significantly to her success, demonstrating her commitment to excellence and a passion for the financial world.

Outside of Geri’s corporate pursuits, her personal life is equally fulfilling. A cat named Linus holds a special place in her heart, and she spoils him with love and affection, treating him like a member of the family. His playful antics and regal demeanor bring joy and warmth to her home. In addition, family plays an essential role in Geri’s life, and she finds immense happiness in spending time with her two nephews, whom Geri enjoys creating lasting memories with, and making their experiences truly special.

In her pursuit of personal well-being, Geri engages in activities such as walking, which offers both physical exercise and moments of reflection. Yoga serves as a means to find balance and harmony, enhancing her focus and mental clarity. Additionally, Geri indulges in reading fashion magazines, allowing her to stay up-to-date with trends and cultivate her sense of style.

Balancing the excitement of the corporate world with the joys of family and personal interests, Geri has crafted a life that is both professionally successful and personally fulfilling. Her commitment to excellence remains unwavering, as she looks forward to new challenges and opportunities in the ever-evolving landscape of the financial industry.